The description for the Spring Attack feat says the attacker’s movement during a springing attack does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the defender. Does this mean a character with Spring Attack can disregard the problems associated with approaching and attacking an opponent with reach? This could be a huge benefit. Does the Spring Attack feat help you run away? Or must you move both before and after your attack to avoid attacks of
When you use Spring Attack to attack a foe, your movement during your turn does not provoke attacks of opportunity from that foe, even if your movement takes you through several
squares the foe threatens (as would be the case for an opponent with reach). When or how often you move during your turn is irrelevant, but you must make an attack to get the benefit. Only the opponent you attack becomes unable to respond to your movement with an attack of opportunity; that opponent’s allies suffer no such restriction.
所以,春天攻擊可以忽略 reach 的威脅。之前打鬼火的時候是我搞錯了,照跑團的情況來看,其實我一輪如能打一次。囧rz 騎乘攻擊的道理亦同。
版主: tropicalo
- 深水城劇院
- ↳ 劇院辦公室
- ↳ 來的好酒店
- ↳ 流派東方不敗道場 MK-II
- ↳ 深水城眾夏之征冬之征
- ↳ 文藝迴廊
- ↳ 頂級個人包廂
- ↳ 沒那麼隱密棲息地
- ↳ 霽鳳閣
- ↳ 月之廚房
- ↳ 銀穗圖書館
- ↳ 圖書館大門
- ↳ 諸神的王座
- ↳ 皇家地理會
- ↳ 冒險者工會
- TRPG:神眷團
- ↳ 3 半獸人狩獵季
- ↳ Homerules
- ↳ 角色紙
- ↳ Replays
- ↳ 劍與法則三部曲 Klinge und Gesetz Trilogy
- ↳ 8 劍與法則Ⅰ:Klinge und Gesetz
- ↳ 劍與法則 - 歷史文章
- ↳ 18 劍與法則Ⅱ:Unwissenheit ist Entzücken.
- ↳ About the World
- ↳ Character Sheets
- ↳ Houserules
- ↳ Replays & Gallery
- ↳ 劍法二系列作
- ↳ 26 破碎與腐敗 Das Zerschmetterte und Verdorben
- ↳ 28 時之結
- ↳ 41 聖戰前線
- ↳ About the World
- ↳ Character Playbooks
- ↳ Replays & Gallery
- ↳ 30 劍與法則Ⅲ
- ↳ GM向上俱樂部
- ↳ Paso de Aventura
- ↳ 9 沉默之海
- ↳ Xd20系統資料
- ↳ 20 邪眼召喚:Call of the Evil Eyes
- ↳ 21 重返黎明
- ↳ 22 Where Wind Blows from the Desert
- ↳ 25 赫魯瑪希爾學院風雲
- ↳ 資料集
- ↳ 斯薇塔篇
- ↳ 綠火篇
- ↳ 31 天擇 Natural Selection
- ↳ 32 哭泣的奇美拉:Dracius' Masks
- ↳ 37 無保障冒險:前進蠻荒
- ↳ 關於世界
- ↳ DS規則
- ↳ 貼圖區
- ↳ 玩家角色
- ↳ Replay
- ↳ 舊資料
- ↳ 相關規則
- ↳ Characters [舊]
- ↳ Replay [舊]
- ↳ 38 Diventa un gangster
- ↳ 角色紙
- ↳ Replay
- ↳ 40 力爭上游
- ↳ 44 希豐涅托斯的詛咒:繼承
- ↳ [tCoX:I]角色紙
- ↳ [tCoX:I]Replay
- ↳ 46 神鬼奇兵:the Oasis of the Silver Ibis
- ↳ 46a 銀䴉綠洲:the Oasis of the Silver Ibis
- ↳ 46b 無盡牢籠:the Cage of Eternity
- ↳ 48 White Mantle on the Cliff
- ↳ 50 Wrath of the Ironfang Legion
- ↳ 徵人啟示
- ↳ 17 徵人啟示:冒險的開始
- ↳ 19 徵人啟示:沙之旅途
- ↳ 43 重返沙之旅途
- ↳ 審判戰爭系列
- ↳ 27 雪夜殺機
- ↳ 29 審判戰爭
- ↳ 審判戰爭:角色紙
- ↳ 審判戰爭:世界設定
- ↳ 審判戰爭:自訂規則
- ↳ 審判戰爭:Replay
- ↳ 34 半身人的遺產
- ↳ 35 Ohrgeber: Judgement War Parallel
- ↳ About the World
- ↳ 相關規則
- ↳ Characters
- ↳ Replay
- ↳ 45 OJWP Spin-off by Apocalypse
- ↳ Chronica Terra Paseinum
- ↳ 殖民地風雲錄(Chronica Terra Paseinum by Mars Colony)
- ↳ 帕先風雲錄(Chronica Terra Paseinum by Free From the Yoke)
- ↳ 闇影遺緒
- ↳ 33 闇閭影深:the Shadow of Shattered Shadowgate
- ↳ 闇閭影深:Replay
- ↳ 闇閭影深:世界設定
- ↳ 闇閭影深:House Rule
- ↳ 42 Shadowfall:繁星若雨
- ↳ 42-GM密室
- TRPG:桌上角色扮演
- ↳ D&D:龍與地下城
- ↳ 傳送門
- ↳ WoD:黑暗世界
- ↳ 烽火暗夜 - 貼圖區
- ↳ 烽火暗夜 - Replay區
- ↳ 烽火暗夜 - NPC
- ↳ 幽談異抄
- ↳ 團務規則
- ↳ 角色區
- ↳ 背景設定
- ↳ 論壇 幻之頻率
- ↳ Eclipse Phase:隱蝕期
- ↳ V:tM 深水丘
- ↳ Extraordinary II
- ↳ 舊資料
- ↳ 日本戰國團
- ↳ 小名立志傳
- ↳ 動態技能系統 Dynamic Skillsystem, DS d20
- ↳ 聖火之夜
- ↳ 聖火之夜 - 角色區