1 頁 (共 1 頁)


發表於 : 2017年 5月 9日, 04:07

 體型:中型                      陣營:Chaotic Good
 身高:?         體重:?          信仰:阿洛卡達 Arokadat
 瞳色:          髮色:黑長         膚色:黑毛

 職業╱等級:Warpriest 5
 經驗點數:Lv5 15073

     總合   原始數值 + 魔法加值 + 其他加值 - 其他減值│修正值
 力量  18 = 16   +  種族2  -     │+4
 敏捷  18 = 15   +       -     │+4***
 體質  14 = 14   +       -     │+2
 智力  13 = 15   +       - 種族2 │+1
 智慧  17 = 14   +  種族2  -     │+3*
 魅力  13 = 13   +       -     │+1

  速度:40呎[Fast Speed]/先攻值:+4

【生命值47/47】= 初期D8 + 升級5+5(4)+5(2)+5 + Con 2*5 + 重訓 9 + 天職 0

【防禦等級】Armor Class
 裝備盔甲:[+1]Chain Shirt,Living Metal, AC+5
   最大敏捷加值:5      技能負修正:-      重量:
 裝備盾牌:[+1]Buckler, AC+2
   最大敏捷加值:-      技能負修正:-      重量:-

 AC   21=10 + Armor5+ Shield2 + Dex4 + Misc mod
      防禦式攻擊+3,全防禦AC+6(Acrobatics Rank3)
 觸碰AC 14
 遲滯AC 17

【豁免檢定】Saving Throw
 強韌 +6 = 4+2
 反射 +5 = 1+4
 意志 +8 = 4+4

  [Basic Attack Bonus]+3

   近戰攻擊加值 +7=3+4
      (祝福Blessing, +1d4火焰傷害)
    [+1]Scythe +7(Buckler-1), 2d4+1+6(Two-handed), 20/*4, Type SorP
        +Bite +2, 1d6+2(1/2 str modi), 20/*2, Type ?
    Claw*2 +7, 1d4+4, 20/*2
        +Bite +2, 1d6+2(1/2 str modi), 20/*2, Type ?

   遠程攻擊加值 +7=3+4
      (祝福Blessing, +1d4火焰傷害/神聖武器Scared Weapon, +1d6閃電或寒冷傷害)
    [MW]Longbow, composite(+4) +9(Focus), 1d8+4, 20/*3, 110ft, Type P
          (Normal Arrow,祝福Blessing, +1d4火焰傷害, )
          (Dragon Tooth Arrow,祝福Blessing, +1d4火焰傷害/神聖武器Scared Weapon, +1d6閃電或寒冷傷害)
        Dragon Tooth Arrow,14/14
        迅速射擊, Attack-2, 全回合攻擊兩次

 【戰技加值CMB】1d20+7=1d20 + BAB + Str (feat. dex) mod + size mod
 【戰技防禦CMD】21=10 + BAB + Str mod + Dex mod + size mod

  ===技能===   Skill Point = [20/20] = 2*5+Int1*5+天職1*5
 名稱        技能總級數=技能級數+能力修正+職業修正+其他修正(防具減值0)
 ====力量技能====         [+4]
 攀爬*         11 =4   +    +3   +
 游泳*          8 =1   +    +3   +
 ====敏捷技能====         [+4]
 特技*         11 =4   +    +3   +(旅沙跑者:平衡/跳躍時+2)
 解除裝置         N =    +    +    +
 脫逃             =    +    +    +
 飛行             =    +    +    +
 騎術*            =    +    +    +
 巧手             =    +    +    +
 潛行*         12 =4   +    +3   +1(靜寂獵手:Combatl Traits)
 ====智力技能====         [+1]
 估價             =    +    +    +
 工藝:*         N =    +    +    +
 知識:秘法術       N =    +    +    +
 知識:建築/構造*    N =    +    +    +
 知識:地城結構      N =    +    +    +
 知識:地理        N =    +    +    +
 知識:歷史        N =    +    +    +
 知識:地區        N =    +    +    +
 知識:自然        N =    +    +    +
 知識:貴族/政府     N =    +    +    +
 知識:位面        N =    +    +    +
 知識:宗教*       N =    +    +    +
 語言學          N =    +    +    +
 法術觀察*        6 =2   +    +3   +
 ====智慧技能====         [+3]
 醫療*          7 =1   +    +3   +
 知覺             =    +    +    +
 專業:士兵        7 =1   +    +3   +
 動機察覺*          =    +    +    + 
 野外求生*       10 =2   +    +3   +2Wild Instinct(+2, in the Desert)
 ====魅力技能====         [+1]
 唬弄             =    +    +    +
 交涉*          5 =1   +    +3   +
 易容             =    +    +    +
 訓練動物*          =    +    +    + 
 威嚇*            =    +    +    +
 表演:            =    +    +    +
 使用魔法裝置       N =    +    +    + 

  [[Warpriest Lv1]] - Focus weapon:Longbow
  [[ECL1]] - 學習力/Fast Learner(Racial,Human)
    →Gain both +1 skill rank and +1 hit point when you gain a level in a favored class
  [[Warpriest Lv3 Bonus]] - 弓術之近程射擊/Point-Blank Shot
  [[ECL3]] - 弓術之精密射擊/Precise Shot(Combat)
  [[ECL5]] - 弓術之迅速射擊/Rapid Shot(Combat)

  [Wulfkin(Human)天賦職業:Warpriest]每等級獲得1/6 Bonus Feat.
    Jackalkin / Arokadian
  [+2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, –2 Intelligence]:
    Jackalkin are strong and alert, but altogether primitive and lacking in mental faculties.
    Jackalkin are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties for size.
  [Fast Speed]:
    Jackalkin are fast; they have a base speed of 40 feet.
  [Desert Child (Desert) (Ex)]:
    Jackalkin gain Desert Child (Desert) as a bonus trait.
    [Benefits]: You gain a + 4 trait bonus on saving throws made to resist the effects of being in hot conditions and a +1 trait bonus on
saving throws.against fire effects.
  [Wild Instinct (Ex)]:
    Jackalkin are adapted to surviving in the wild, gaining a +2 racial bonus on Survival checks with an additional +2 racial bonus for
Survival checks in the desert.
  [Darkvision (Ex)]:
    Jackalkin can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
  [Scent (Ex)]:
    Jackalkin have a heightened sense of smell. They have the scent special quality.
     →http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/s ... #TOC-Scent

    DC 15 = 10 + 1/2 level + Wis mod
   [Blessing I - Sun Blessing]
    [Blinding Strike (minor)]:
    [╳Cleansing Fire (major)]:
     At 10th level, you can touch a weapon and grant it either the flaming or undead–bane weapon special ability for 1 minute. If you spend two uses of your blessing when activating this ability, the weapon can have both weapon special abilities.
   [Blessing II - Fire Blessing]
    [Fire Strike (minor)]:
     這個傷害不會與Flaming/Flaming burst武器特殊能力疊加
    [╳Armor of Flame (major)]:
     At 10th level, you can touch an ally to wreath it in flames. This works as fire shield (warm shield only) with a duration of 1 minute.
        Fervor (Su):2d6/[5] times per day=1/2 her warpriest level + his Wisdom modifier
  [Warpriest Lv1]Aura (Ex):Chaotic Good
  [Warpriest Lv1]Blessings (Su):[5] times per day=3 + 1/2 her warpriest level
  [Warpriest Lv1]Focus weapon:Scythe
  [Warpriest Lv1]Orisons
    Warpriests can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day as noted on Table Warpriest. These spells are cast as any
other spell, but aren’t expended when cast and can be used again.
  [Warpriest Lv1]Sacred Weapon
  [Warpriest Lv2]Fervor (Su):2d6/5 times per day=1/2 her warpriest level + her Wisdom modifier
  [Warpriest Lv3]Bonus feat:Point-Blank Shot
  [Warpriest Lv4]Channel Energy (Su)
  [Warpriest Lv4]Sacred Weapon+1[5 rounds per day.]
    The warpriest can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to her warpriest level, but these rounds need not be
    共通:光能Brilliant energy/護身Defending/Disruption/Flaming/Frost/Keen/Shock.
    善良:幽冥Ghost touch/神聖Holy

  [[Extra, Traits]] - 荒漠之子/Desert Child (Desert)
    You gain a + 4 trait bonus on saving throws made to resist the effects of being in hot conditions and a +1 trait bonus on saving throws.
  [[Regional Traits]] - 靜寂獵手/Silent Hunter
    →You gain a +1 trait bonus on Stealth checks, and Stealth is always a class skill for you.
  [[Combatl Traits]] - 旅沙跑者/Soaring Sprinter
    →You gain a +2 trait bonus on Acrobatics checks to keep your balance or jump, and Acrobatics becomes a class skill for you.

  [+1]Scythe 2318gp,10lbs
  [MW]Longbow, composite(+4) 800gp,110ft,3lbs
    Arrow 2gp,3lbs
  Blowgun 1d2,2gp,1lb,20ft
    Dart(s), blowgun (10) 0.5gp,1lb
      Poison - ???
  [+1]Chain Shirt,Living Metal, AC+5 1950gp
  [+1]Buckler, AC+2 1165gp
  [Wand]CLW 50/50, 市價140%1050gp購入

 Pouch, Belt 1gp 0.5lbs
  Flint&Steel 1gp -
  Torch*2 0.02gp 2lbs

  【專長】武器專攻:巨鐮→武器專攻:長弓 5等級*5天*10gp=250gp

Basic DC = 13
- 0/4 used(Orisons)
*Detect Magic
*Detect Poison
Enhanced Diplomacy =Touched creature gains +2 on one Diplomacy or Intimidate check.
*Guidance神導術 =Touched creature gains +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
Purify Food and Drink
*Read Magic/閱讀魔法
I 0/4+1
*Obscuring Mist/塵沙妨術
*Stunning Barrier/榮耀加護 =Magical field grants a +1 bonus to AC and on saves, and stuns one creature attacking you.
II 0/2+1
*Resist Energy/能量抵銷
*Restoration, Lesser/次級復原術

Phylactery of faithfulness 1,000 gp

[Rapid shot(○)]
ECL6:Weapon Specialization(○Wepon Focus)+Point-Blank Master(Weapon Specialization)

Bullseye Shot(BAB +5)

Re: 【PC】努洽Nuncha

發表於 : 2017年 8月 6日, 04:27
Nuncha's History record

→落葉之月(of Defoliate)
 02 抵達遠泊前往雨林
 07 乘車抵達南歌莊
 08 登船,順雨林血河而下
 11 抵達目的地一號營地「船塢」/取得「青銅」資格
 12-13 參與任務【1、巨蟻與寄生體】
 14-   於「船塢」生活整備、熟悉雨林氣候水土

   -04 承前月,重訓生命值cost 21日,+7
 06-13 參與任務【6、礦場疑雲】

→日沒之月(The Fading Sun)
 03-10 參與任務【8、協助四號營地撤離】/取得「鋼鐵」資格
 21-   參與任務【9、水下遺跡】

   -02 承前月,【9、水下遺跡】

  【專長】武器專攻:巨鐮→武器專攻:長弓 5等級*5天*10gp=250gp
九話  +1927.5gp/戰利品收購27.5gp/

現額 3082.84gp